Tuesday, 2 February 2016

How to make a katupa basket - Cecilia

 Cecilia tells us how to make the baskets to cook our katupa

Meals without rice aren't complete, so Timorese people eat it everyday. We eat many types of food to give health and energy. There are many types of katupa you can choose and make by hand.

Step One

To prepare the fresh coconut leaf, take out the rib.

Step Two

Open a coconut leaf over the left hand between your thumb and finger and wrap the front of the leaf around the back of the leaf. Fold the back leaf and pull it up.

Step Three

Put the leaf behind the loop at the front and do the same with the back.

Step Four

Continue to pull up the coconut leaf from the front to the back again and put it in the hole at the top and do the same with the other end of the leaf.

Step Five

Continue to pull up the leaves through the hole at the top continue to weave the the leaf through the end holes and then the bottom holes. Do the same with the other end of the leaf at the back.

Step Six

Take the coconut leaf off the left hand and make sure the the two leaves are wrapped the opposite way and continue to weave one line over the other line.

Step Seven

Finally make sure you pull each one so that there are no holes.

New creativity makes new knowledge for life.

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